Use of intelligent/selective culling of the poultry flock is of utmost iImportancefor success in poultry production especially in layers/egg production. Selective culling refers to the identification and removal of non-laying birds from a laying flock
1. It increases the profit by ensuring that the feed will be consumed by the better producing layers.2. It helps to save cost of medication and vaccination.
3. More space is provided for the remaining.
4. Culling sick birds can reduce incidence and spread of poultry disease in flock.
5. Actual Egg production will be maintained.
Culling is very important and should be a continual process on every farm whether small or large farm. This selective culling should be practiced right from chicks stage. When chicks are started, all weak chicks should be eliminated. During growing stage, runty and slow growing pullets should be removed and fed with 2% extra protein to gain growth within 3 - 4 weeks.
Culling during laying should be continuous through out the laying cycle. This continuous culling when discovered, any birds which is sick, very thin, or which shows evidences of non production, weakness, or poor vitality.
Culling towards evening is recommended, since the birds are less likely to be frightened and reduce egg production. Handle the birds as little as possible so that production will not be greatly reduced.
The culling of birds is practiced on the basis of following characteristics during laying phase.
1. External body characteristics
2. Pigmentation
3. Records available.
The distance between kneel bone and pelvic bones is less than 3 fingers and the distance between pelvic bones is less than 2 fingers in poor or bad layer.
- soft, enlarged combs and wattles
- increased distance between the pelvic bones
- wide, moist vent
- velvety skin
- soft, pliable, enlarged abdomen
You may be unsure of your culling ability and avoid culling your flock for fear that you might eliminate good layers. I suggest that you learn how to identify non productive layers or to train a team of people on how to cull.
N.B: An adult bird eats about 3.5kg feed/month even though not laying.
If a farmer is having 10,000 birds in a flock and 1% of the flock are culled that is 100 bad layers.
Adult bird eats about 3.5kg feed/month.
I.e 3.5×100birds=350kg feed is saved.
Average cost of layers mash with transportation is 132/kg.
350×132 = #46,200 saved /month.
46200×6 = #277,200 saved in 6 months.
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