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Camborough pig

The determining factor to a successful swine production is the choice one makes while choosing which breed(s) of pig to start a farm or use to crossbreed existing ones. Below are some exotic breeds that one can chose from to be the fathers and mothers of his far

The pig is known for High emphasis on lean meat % and conformation, Very robust hybrid boar, Good libido, Exceptional carcass musling, Superb feed conversion ratios
The breed is bred to maximize the kilograms of weaned pigs per year with
excellent feed efficiency. In addition, the Camborough can be bred typically three weeks earlier than other breeds resulting in a higher total number of piglets per sow per lifetime and lower production cost.

Exotic pigs
Berkshire pig breed


They are black with white points (legs, face and tail)  Dark-colored skin reduces sunburn
Berkshires are known for fast and efficient growth, reproductive efficiency, cleanness and meat flavor and value
Exotic pig
Chester white pig breed

Chester White

Chester Whites originated in Chester County, from which their name was formed. These white hogs with droopy, medium-sized ears are known for their mothering ability, durability and soundness. Packers also tout their muscle quality.

Swine production
Yorkshire pig breed
The Yorkshire is the most popular breed of pig in North America today.
They have erect ears and are solid white in color.  To be more technical, they have pink skin and white hair.
They are typically large and fast growing, which helps make them the most popular breed. Meat processors prefer white pigs such as the Yorkshire because the hair is light in color and doesn’t show up on the carcass as easily as a red or black haired pig.
Pig farming
 large white pig breed

Large white
The breed is white in colour, long body, long head, dished face, erect ears, good mothering ability, good feed converter.
Large White has proved itself as a rugged and hardy breed that can withstand variations in climate and other environmental factors. Their ability to cross with and improve other breeds has given them a leading role in commercial pig production systems and breeding pyramids around the world.

Swine breeds
Landrace  pig breed
The American Landrace is a medium to large breed of domestic pig, white in color, with long bodies, fine hair, long snouts, and heavy, drooping ears. They are bred for pork production. Highly prolific and good feed utilizer

Pig breed
Hereford pig breed

 They are often called the Hereford Hog. It is a breed of domestic pig named for its color and pattern, which is similar to that of the Hereford breed of cattle: red with a white face. Hereford is a rare variety of swine which was created from a synthesis of Duroc, Poland China, and perhaps some Chester White or Hampshire. It matures early  and weigh 200–250lbs by five to six months of age. Herefords are easy to pasture but also grain efficiently reaching market weight on less feed than many other breeds.

Pig breeding
Hampshire pig breed

The Hampshire pig is a domestic swine breed characterized by erect ears, a black body, and a white band around the middle, covering the front legs. It is a large breed of pig.

Pig business
Duroc boar
Duroc pigs are reddish-brown and golden yellow    or cherry red in colour, rapid growth rate, fair mothering ability and good feed converter. Large-framed, medium length, and muscular, with partially-drooping ears. They tend to be one of the least aggressive of all swine breeds reared for meat.

Large black pig breed

Large black
The Large Black is a long, deep-bodied pig, well known for its hardiness and suitability for extensive farming. They are best suited for pasture-based farming due to their strong foraging and grazing ability, which efficiently converts poor quality feed into high quality meat.

Gloucestershire pi breed

The Gloucestershire Old Spots pig

Also known as the Old spot pig is known for its docility, intelligence, and prolificity. Boars reach a mature weight of 600 lb (272 kg) and sows 500 lb (227 kg). The pigs are white with clearly defined black (not blue) spots.

Meet Emmanuel O. Ugwu,
Our Animal Health and Production Consultant


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