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  Leave a question of what frustrates you in your Piggery project! We here to answer you at almost zero cost! Don't forget to reach us for a farm visit if you think you tried a few veterinary extension personnel and it never worked. Family Vet Services Remember we offer services that gives value for your money WhatsApp +2348021165624


Poor piglets management Feeding in a damp environment Among all the diseases in the suckling piglet, diarrhoea is the most common and probably the most important. Piglet diarrhea is a threat in most herds and a range of different infections can be expected to exist in the environment, regardless of control measures.  It is a common cause of mortality and  often closely associated with poor hygiene, inappropriate husbandry (e.g., early weaning), stressful environment and inappropriate feeding regiments. Piglet diarrhea or “scour” can be common at both the neonatal and the post-weaning stages. COMMON CAUSES 1.  Escherichia coli (E. coli)  strains are common within the first week of life, and again in the first week after weaning. 2.  Clostridial enteritis  causes acute enteritis and scouring within the first week of life 3.  Coccidia  causes scouring commonly between 9 days of age and at weaning 4.  Transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea)  causes sudden and seve


Totally eliminating odours from pig farm has proved not to be an easy task but with my years of experience in the sector, I can confidently assure you that it's possible to eliminate odor in pig farm. Unhygienic pig farm Odour management in livestock farms has posed a serious challenge to not just the farmer but to the general public as well as the environmental management agents. Odour emanating from pig farm is said to be one of the most pungent and disturbing of all livestock venture and posses serious threat to human health. Below are five (5) effective ways of eliminating or minimizing odours from Swine farms ; i.  Siting The Farm Away from Residential Area This will allow for sun drying of the manure in the open without attracting environmental agents. Also the pen should be constructed in such a manner that the urine flows to the drainage point where it's collected in the dung pit. ii.  Connecting Vent Pipes to the Dung Pit Just as the drain pipes in human homes removes


  Weaning large litters of thrifty, heavyweight pigs is a key factor for a profitable swine herd and this can be achieved by doing the following; • Treat / disinfect the navel cord with tincture of iodine as soon as it is cut • Feed on mothers’ milk for the first 6-8 weeks along with creep feed. • Protect the piglets against extreme weather conditions, particularly during the first two months. • Needle teeth should be clipped shortly after birth. • Vaccinate the piglets as per recommended vaccination schedule. • Provide Iron supplement to prevent piglet anemia (very necessary) at the 3rd and 21st day of birth. • Male piglets not selected for breeding should be castrated preferably at the age of 3-4 weeks to prevent the boar odour in the cooked meat thus it enables production of quality meat. Additional feed requirements of lactating sow must be ensured for proper nursing of all the piglets born. Suckling piglets Piglets in the creep area Creep training Piglets learn the behaviour of us


  Camborough pig The determining factor to a successful swine production is the choice one makes while choosing which breed(s) of pig to start a farm or use to crossbreed existing ones. Below are some exotic breeds that one can chose from to be the fathers and mothers of his far Camborough The pig is known for High emphasis on lean meat % and conformation, Very robust hybrid boar, Good libido, Exceptional carcass musling, Superb feed conversion ratios The breed is bred to maximize the kilograms of weaned pigs per year with excellent feed efficiency. In addition, the Camborough can be bred typically three weeks earlier than other breeds resulting in a higher total number of piglets per sow per lifetime and lower production cost. Berkshire pig breed Berkshire They are black with white points (legs, face and tail)  Dark-colored skin reduces sunburn Berkshires are known for fast and efficient growth, reproductive efficiency, cleanness and meat flavor and value Chester white pig breed Chest


  Yorkshire breed Camborough breed breastfeeding Female large white Landrace breed Duroc boar Commercially, Return on Investment (ROI) in pig farming is usually influenced breed or genetics. Every pig farmer want pigs that have rapid growth, lean carcass quality and good feed conversion ratio. Some pigs have poor growth rate, low feed conversion ratio, high fat content and farrow small litter, such pigs are usually produced from poor pedigree. To have a profitable pig farming, it is very important for pig farmers to consider these five exotic breeds. 1.   Yorkshire The Yorkshire is the most popular breed of pig in North America today. They have erect ears and are solid white in color.  To be more technical, they have pink skin and white hair. They are typically large and fast growing, which helps make them the most popular breed. Meat processors prefer white pigs such as the Yorkshire because the hair is light in color and doesn’t show up on the carcass as easily as a red or black hair

Camborough pig breed

  Camborough   pigs are a product of a cross-breeding system known as criss-crossing- an alternated use of boars of two or more breeds on the female stock produced in a herd. This distributes good characteristics from many different breed lines involved and these are related to meat fat distribution (carcass quality), disease resistance, larger litter size and others. The animal is usually white in colour but, in rare cases, may show characteristics of particular breeds involved in the criss-crossing. Emmanuel observing our inpigs The Camborough is bred to maximize the kilograms of weaned pigs per year with excellent feed efficiency. In addition, the Camborough can be bred typically three weeks earlier than other genetics, resulting in a higher total number of piglets per sow per lifetime and lower production costs. Every pig farmer wants pigs that have rapid growth, lean carcass quality and good feed conversion ratio. Return on Investment (ROI) in pig farming is usually influenced by